by Sharm | Apr 19, 2019 | Articles, Beauty, Healthy KC!, Lifestyle & Technology, What I Love, What You're Missing KC!
My niece works at a dermatologist office here in KC and offered me the chance to try out some lip filler at cost to check it out. In my opinion here are five things you will want to consider before pulling the trigger on the procedure.

Number One: I’ll tell you, although there is a little numbing cream involved, there are still some needle sticks that can be felt and bring tears to your eyes. Especially in the cupids bow area which are the two lines at the top of the lip that go up toward the nostrils.
Number Two: There are many choices of filler to choose from. It is important to do your homework before you go to get an idea of what you want your outcome to be as the different formulas can create different results. You may even want to take in a photo to give the injector an idea of your desired results.
Number Three: It is not permanent. Lip filler will likely last 6 months to a year depending on how your body metabolizes it.
Number Four: For not being permanent it can get quite costly. Prices can range from $400 – $1000.
Number Five: As you can see below, you also need to be aware that bruising can be quite sever and your lips will look quite odd and swollen for a couple of days. But once the bruising and swelling subsides, you will love the results. See photo after one month at the bottom of the post.

Lip Filler Bruising
I’ve done the lip injections three times now. I have to say although I love how they look a few days after, I feel like my body metabolizes the filler quite quickly and I hate that it is not a permanent fix so it is getting quite costly to keep them filled.

Before Lip Filler Injection

After Lip Filler Injection

On month post fill
If you are considering getting lip filler I hope these tips will help you make the decision that is best for you. Also when you do decide to do it, make sure you go to a practice that specializes in filler such as a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, or aesthetic medical spa and that your technician is a trained professional in that area.
If you have any questions about it please feel free to contact me or comment below.
by Sharm | Apr 12, 2019 | Articles, Food & Drink, Recipes, Sides
This salad is a breeze to whip up. Massaging the dressing into the leaves and then letting it marinate before serving is the key to making it tender and delicious. The recipe recommends 10 minutes. But this is a hearty salad and can even be made early in the day or even the night before. I could almost argue that it is actually better the next day!
If making ahead of time, wait until just before serving to add the additional cheese and walnuts.
This should yield 8 one cup servings. Add your favorite protein to make it a main dish
Servings: 8 Cups
Author: Sharmin Meadows
minced garlic
fresh lemon juice
crushed red pepper flakes
extra virgin olive oil*
1 1/4
finely grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese, divided
12 ounce
bag chopped kale
toasted walnuts, chopped
salt and pepper to taste
*If you like to use avocado, walnut or a different kind of oil, decrease olive oil to 1/4 cup and add 1/4 oil of choice.
Prepare dressing by adding garlic, lemon juice and red pepper flakes in bowl. Gradually whisk in olive oil and one cup of the parmesan cheese. Taste and adjust with salt and pepper. Set aside.
Add chopped kale to to large mixing bowl. Top with dressing mixture and thoroughly coat leaves. Using hands massage the dressing into the kale leaves. Let sit 10 minutes at room temperature.
Chop walnuts and add to dry skillet over medium heat. Stir constantly until light toasted.
Once kale has sat in dressing mixture for 10 minutes, transfer salad to serving dish and top with 1/4 cup additional parmesan cheese and walnuts.
by Sharm | Jul 26, 2018 | Articles, Beauty, Health, Lifestyle & Technology, Products & Reviews, What I Love
I heard of this process called oil pulling to whiten teeth years ago from my sister-in-law. The concept is to take a spoonful of coconut oil and hold in your mouth for 15 minutes. Overtime this process whitens teeth and improves oral health.
I tried it a few times, but as the saying goes, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”, I quickly stopped doing it and basically forgot about it, until I got contacted by Dr. Ginger’s to try their toothpaste.
Dr. Ginger’s makes a coconut oil toothpaste developed by Dr. Ginger Price, a practicing cosmetic dentist in Arizona for over 35 years.
Dr. Ginger said she came up with the idea for the product after many of her patience talked about this oil pulling thing and as she researched further, found that in addition to whitening, coconut oil was great for overall oral health.
With Dr. Ginger’s coconut oil product line, you get the benefits of oil pulling without the hassle, mess and time consuming process. In addition, if not done correctly there are some hazards with oil pulling that can occur so using the coconut oil based products takes that away.

Below are a few reasons you are going to want to make the switch to coconut oil based oral hygiene products.
1. It Contains No Chemicals – Dr. Ginger’s coconut oil toothpaste contains no flouride, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, coloring agents or chemicals such as triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate.
2. Helps Fight Cavities – Studies have shown coconut oil kills bad bacteria that causes cavities and bad breath.
3. It Can Help With Tooth Sensitivity – The very best toothpaste for sensitive teeth is one that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals and detergents.
4. Improves Overall Health – Studies have shown that periodontal disease is directly linked to cardiovascular disease, stroke, bacterial pneumonia, premature births and lower birth weights in babies. Coconut oil has shown to fight bacteria that can cause these problem.
5. Pure Coconut Oil is Safe for Dogs – According to Pet MD, applying coconut oil to your dogs teeth can help with bad breath.
My sample from Dr. Ginger’s contained a few days worth of toothpaste and I have to tell you it is really good. I think the flavor is amazing and can’t wait to try out the other products in their line. I struggle with tooth sensitivity so getting an all natural product that can help with that along with all the other benefits is a plus!
For more product or ordering information visit Dr Ginger’s website.
Photos courtesy of Dr. Ginger’s
by Sharm | Jul 17, 2018 | Articles, Giveaways, Health, Lifestyle & Technology
Can falling in love help you lose weight?
According to Nancy Bryan, author of Thin is a State of Mind, The No-Stress Weight Loss Guide, the answer is yes!
Easier said then done, and what if you are not looking for love and still want to lose? Then Thin is a State of Mind is a book you will want to read and Author Nancy Brian is offering my readers one to giveaway. Keep reading on how to enter the giveaway.
Thin is a State of Mind is emphatically not a diet book but a problem solving book, thus should be read before attempting any weight loss. The value of the book is that it demonstrates how one solves problems better if one can manage to bypass the anxiety-ridden thoughts produced by the conscious mind.
Anyone who has ever tried and failed at losing weight deserves to be given the mental tools to help achieve success the Thin is a State of Mind offers.
Readers of Thin is a State of Mind will also learn:
• How anxiety can make you fat – and what can be done to prevent this.
• Why it is that falling in love is one of the best weight-loss tricks there is.
• Why happiness makes people thin, not the other way around.
• Why weight loss is a time of learning for the body; how to stop “trying” to lose weight and let the body do its job rather than getting in the way.
• Why focusing on trivia such as obsessively counting calories is counterproductive, as is the application of “willpower.”
• What weight loss has in common with surfing.
Thin is a State of Mind helps readers embark on the path toward these inner, and then outer, changes. It gives readers the minute details of how, exactly, to encourage the body to become healthy from the inside out. It includes methods such as relaxation or meditation, as well as effective approaches to achieving digestive fitness and body awareness.
To enter the giveaway, please share a comment below. It can be anything related to dieting wether you have a great tip to share, how many diets you have tried, what your vice is, (mine is key lime pie) or anything else you would like to share.
Last day to comment to enter the giveaway is Tuesday, July 24, 2018. Winner is chosen in order of comments by Winner will be notified via email and the book will be shipped directly from the author to the winner.
About Nancy Bryan
Nancy Bryan, Ph.D., author of this revised and updated edition of Thin is a State of Mind (first published in 1980 by Harper & Row, and subsequently by CompCare Publications), has spent her entire working life as an editor: in the sixties at The Rand Corporation; in the seventies at an ARPANET research institute; in the eighties at a worldwide employee-benefits consulting firm; and in the nineties for the J. Paul Getty Trust. In addition to Thin is a State of Mind, Bryan has written a doctoral dissertation on the poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, and has ghostwritten a bestselling self-help book. Her work has appeared in Vogue, Self, Family Health, and various museum and computer-science publications. She is currently working on a forthcoming title, Metathinking: Working Knowledge for Women.
by Sharm | Jul 12, 2018 | Articles, Food & Drink, Health, Products & Reviews, What I Love
Next time you go to grab a Gatorade to replace lost electrolytes from a workout, hangover or whatever else you might use it for, try a switchel instead. I know you might be asking what in the heck is switchel?
Actually, switchel has been around long before Gatorade was even a thought. It was used to fuel and rehydrate farmers and workers in the hayfields during Colonial times.
Although farming has modernized quite a bit since those times, a farmer can still work up quite a thirst out in the fields. Just think how much thirstier a job it was for the Colonials when the grass was hand-cut with a scythe. I’m sure if Iron-Man races were a thing back then the athletes would have used it too!

Gatorade type drink were not around during that time as electrolytes were not even discovered until the 1900’s. And there were no scientific studies showing our bodies needed them replaced after exertion.
Somehow our ancestors knew what they were doing and what our bodies needed and created switchel to nourish them. To bad we didn’t listen and let preservatives and sugar take the place of this natural re-hydrator.
Switchel contains water, apple cider vinegar, ginger and a sweetener. The sweetener can be either molasses, maple syrup, honey or brown sugar.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is all of the rage now and is great for digestion and gut health. Many people incorporate ACV into their diets to aid in weight loss.
With the exception of water, all the other ingredients in the switchel contain potassium which is an electrolyte. Which we now know our bodies need to function properly.
I recently received a sample of switchel from a company called Up Mountain Swizzle, who make a sparkling switchel with fresh ginger, real maple syrup and apple cider vinegar
I have to say the maple syrup definitely makes it sweet and the ginger adds quite a bit of flavoring. It is also fizzy so it feels like you are drinking a soda. You could think of it as a healthy ginger ale! I never drink pop so this definitely feel a like a treat!

I’ve been drinking a concoction I call wetter water for about a year and half which has apple cider vinegar in it. I do it first thing in the morning to get my gut ready for the day.
I like that the Up Mountain sparkling switchel is a little sweeter than my wetter water and definitely more travel friendly. I can just toss a can in my bag or suitcase. I tried traveling with a bottle of apple cider vinegar once. It really did not work out so well.
If you are a Gatorade junkie, I would encourage you to make the switch to switchel. If you have been curious about all the health benefits of apple cider vinegar drinks give Up Mountain sparkling switchel a try.
by Sharm | Jun 7, 2018 | Articles, Home & Living, Products & Reviews, What I Love
Silicone kitchen gadgets seem to be all the rage these days and for good reason. First of all they are easy to clean. Second the flexibility of the material makes for easy removal of food and allows items to be made in a variety of shapes. Third the heat safe temperature allows items to be used on the stove top, oven and even put in the dishwasher. And last but not least, with the material being reusable it can help make going green a little easier.

Assorted Silicon Kitchen Gadgets
Here are my favorite silicone kitchen gadgets I think every kitchen needs.
Bump It Off Silicone Multi Purpose Scrubber
I saw this handy gadget made by Goddess of Gadgets come across my Instagram feed and was immediately intrigued as it looked like a great sanitary replacement for my icky dish brush that was falling apart. I took a screen shot knowing I wanted to check it out when I had more time. Coincidently, I received an email a few days later asking if I would like to have a sample sent to try out. Of course, I said yes!

Bump It Off
Although, I always throw my dish brush in the dishwasher after using, the bristles seem to sometimes catch debris in them so I have to rinse it before even after being washed. Overtime the bristles wear down and becomes unusable.
After using the Bump It Off one time I was hooked. Not only did it do a nice job of cleaning the dishes and sink, it came out clean and sanitary right out of the dishwasher. As you can see with the different textures it has a variety of uses. I am going to buy a couple more to have in other parts of the house.
Silicone Oven Mits and Hot Pads
We all have done it, you go to pull the lasagna, cobbler or whatever you may be cooking out of the oven and there goes the thumb of you oven mitt right in the dish. Now you have stringy cheese or sauce stuck in the fibers of the mitt. Even after washing, the mitt will still have stains and for some reason seem mine always seem to shrink!

Silicone Oven Mitt
In the past I have laid out another oven mitt on the counter which makes an uneven surface to lay the baking pan on which is probably not the safest method. Having silicone hot pads on hand make an easy flush surface to lay out on the counter to place your hot dish. These are my favorite silicone oven mitts and hot pads but the there is quite a variety to choose from so you could certainly get the one that is perfect for you.
Silicone Sponges
Much like the Bump It Off, these handy scrubbers can be a replacement for that sponge that seems to lay on the side of the sink harboring bacteria as we speak. Eventually that sponge becomes slimy and gross so it is tossed in the trash adding to landfill waste. Silicone sponges are washable and reusable which keeps your kitchen more sanitary and the environment a little greener.
Silicone Bakeware
Who knew baking with silicone could be so easy. From pie tins to muffin cups, the flexibility of this oven safe material allows for bakeware to made in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Silicone Baking Liners
The reusable baking liners are a great replacement for parchment paper which again cuts down on landfill waste.
The silicone bakeware can be greased or sprayed with cooking spray which makes for easy removal of food. And although, the flexible material is great for making a variety of shaped bakeware, they can sometimes be a bit flimsy, so I always place my silicone baking dish on a flat sheet type pan before filling so it can slide easily into the oven.
This adjustable silicone divider called the Bakesplit can be placed on a sheet pan or baking dish to divide different flavors of cakes, dips, casseroles , sheet pan dinners and more. Great to use during the holidays to save on separate baking dishes for every dish.
Silicone Stove Top Gadgets
Prevent stove top splatters with Frywall. This handy cone shaped gadget comes in three sizes to fit 8, 10 or 12 inch pans. Be sure to measure your pan before ordering to get the best fit and results from the Frywall product.
Silicone pan handle cover. This cover helps keep the handle of you pan cooler so you can toss and flip or just hold the pan steady while cooking on the stove top.
If you have a gap between the wall and your oven and stove combo, these handy stove gap inserts will save the day! These gap covers will keep food particles and debris from falling in between the crack of the stove and the wall.
Silicone Kitchen Utensils
From scrapers to flippers you can find just about any kitchen utensil made of silicone. The heat safe material makes these utensils easy to use when cooking on the stove top. The flexibility makes scraping out that last bit of cake batter a breeze.
Having a silicone basting brush make grilling more sanitary as you can toss it right in the dishwasher after using it on raw meat.
Silicone whisks and tongs prevent leaving marks on nonstick cookware and enameled cast iron. I learned this the hard way while whisking a cheese sauce in my Le Creuset with a wire whisk. Imagine my panic attack as I see the all the gray scratches coating the bottom of my $300 pan. I was able to clean most of the pan using a little bar keepers friend but I will certainly will never use a wire whisk again!
Measuring and Miscellaneous Silone Kitchen Helpers

Silicone measuring cups
I received this set of flexible measuring cups a gift and love the versatility. The three sizes make it easy to measure just about any quantity and the flexibility allows for easy pouring. The large one is great to put a variety of batters in and makes it easy to pour out the perfect potion into you muffin pan or on the griddle.
Silicone infusers make it easy to flavor water by filling the infuser with loose leaf tea, herbs or bits of fruit.

Silicon Infuser
Collapsable items such as strainers and measuring cups saves on space in drawers and cabinets and work just as well, if not better than their metal and plastic counterparts.

Silicone Collapsable Measuring Cups

Silicone Collapsable Colander
So that is my list of some of my favorite silicone kitchen gadgets that have made cooking and clean up in the kitchen just a little easier.
I hope you try some of them out. Please comment if you have a favorite silicone kitchen gadget.
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