by Sharm | Mar 1, 2017 | Food & Drink, Health, Recipes
This Gorgeous Green Smoothie recipe is courtesy of Tosca Reno. She is the author of the Eat Clean Diet® series of books. I have been a fan of this lady for quite some time and just had the chance to meet her on a wellness retreat, which you can read about here.
The Clean Living® Experience with Tosca Reno
The avocado makes this shake smooth and creamy while the pear adds just the right amount of sweetness.
Here is the recipe. Enjoy!
1 pear, cored
½ avocado
1 handful baby kale
1 handful spinach leaves
1 cup water or milk alternative of your choice
1 scoop vegan vanilla protein powder like Sun Warrior.
1 Tbsp flaxseed
1. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth. Add more liquid if necessary.
2. Serve chilled.

by Sharm | Feb 13, 2017 | Articles, Fitness, Health, Lifestyle & Technology, Travel, Travel & Resorts, What I Love
The Clean Living® Experience with Tosca Reno could just change your life. It did mine, so that is why I am writing this today.
I first encountered Tosca Reno in 2007, when a magazine I subscribed to had her graced on the cover at age 40 in tip top shape. Once tipping the scale at 204 pounds she decided enough was enough and dropped the weight by using her eat clean® diet plan and eventually even competed in a figure competition.

The fact that she was older and had been overweight and now looked amazing, peaked my interest, so off to the store I went to get her Eat Clean® Diet book. It was easy to follow and it worked! I lost the weight I wanted to lose and I have been a fan ever since! I have most of her books, follow her on social media and subscribe to her newsletter, which is how I found out about this retreat.

A few weeks ago I got an email from her newsletter that she was hosting a wellness retreat at the beautiful Villa Estrella in Costa Rica through a company called Retreats Unlimited. Enough said for me as I know she knows her stuff and booked the retreat. I could not wait to meet her.

This retreat came at the perfect timing in my life as I have put back on a few of those extra pounds I lost so many years ago. In addition to the weight, my personal life was on the rocks as a move away from family and friends as well as becoming an empty nester all at the same time has thrown me into a tizzy. I know her plan works and thought this is just the ticket I needed to get recharged and back on track.
Once at the resort and meeting Tosca, it was clear I needed this even more than I thought. Not only did she address health and wellness issues, she gets to the core of the emotion. By sharing her own struggles, she became one of the group and made a safe zone where if desired, others could share their struggles. I’m pretty sure I was a blubbering idiot but it felt good to release the emotion.
Come to find out, we all have struggles and hurt, even Tosca. Your hurt looks different from my hurt, but it is still pain. It was comforting to see I am not the only one out there that feels like they are drowning in this thing called life.

Tosca worked ahead of time with the chef and every meal was clean eating® approved and delicious. Just after a couple of days of eating like this, the body starts detoxing as there has been no sugar intake, just clean healthy delicious foods. Some detoxing symptoms the group experienced were headaches and acne which is the bodies way of expelling the toxins we carry around.

With all of the amazing food, I really did not feel like I was losing any weight but decided to go ahead and weigh when I got home. I was down 3 pounds! Not bad for a four day retreat, I’ll take it!

Along with informational sessions on healthy eating, supplements, metabolism, and even a little sex, you will spend time with Tosca in the kitchen.

She will teach you her secret recipe for wetter water, plus easy tips and tricks to clean eating® so you will be able to cook and eat like this at home!

I am now back home and am back on track. My kitchen is stocked and I am not missing the sugar or anything else I have taken out.

Eating six meals a day, I had forgotten how much food you can really eat on this diet. Honestly, it is not a diet but more of a lifestyle way of eating as it is easy to follow and you get to eat real food.

For those interested in the fitness side you will not be left out. Tosca personally leads workouts in the pool, on the beach and fitness facility throughout the day. Nothing is mandatory at the retreat and at any time you may opt out of a session or workout with no judgement.

If all of the above is not enough, you also get a personal coaching session with Tosca if you wish.

There are a limited number of guests allowed on this retreat so the setting is intimate, personalized and Tosca is literally walking beside you!

Our group was very flexible and bonded well. I have made new friends that I will treasure for a lifetime. As a super fan of Tosca I thought it might be intimidating to meet her. It turned out to be the exact opposite. Tosca is humble, gracious, knowledgable, inspirational, strong and truly beautiful inside and out.
She was a blast and joined the group in all areas even accompaning us into the town to do some souvenir shopping and got a fish pedicure at the fish spa. So fun!

She took the time to bond with each one of us and embraced our individual needs.

She was gracious enough to sign all of the books that I brought and laughed when I was labeled the stalker of the group. I am honored to be called her friend now and not just a fan.
If you are in need of getting recharged physically, emotionally, mentally nutritionally or just looking for a fun getaway, I encourage you to seek out this retreat, it is truly a life changer.
The Retreats Unlimited staff go above and beyond to make sure you have the most amazing experience. They have more wellness events scheduled through out the year with various health and wellness ambassadors. Tosca’s are in March, April, May and October. Get more information at the Retreats Unlimited website. For more information on Tosca Reno or to order her books visit