I heard of this process called oil pulling to whiten teeth years ago from my sister-in-law. The concept is to take a spoonful of coconut oil and hold in your mouth for 15 minutes. Overtime this process whitens teeth and improves oral health.

I tried it a few times, but as the saying goes, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”, I quickly stopped doing it and basically forgot about it, until I got contacted by Dr. Ginger’s to try their toothpaste.

Dr. Ginger’s makes a coconut oil toothpaste developed by Dr. Ginger Price, a practicing cosmetic dentist in Arizona for over 35 years.

Dr. Ginger said she came up with the idea for the product after many of her patience talked about this oil pulling thing and as she researched further, found that in addition to whitening, coconut oil was great for overall oral health.

With Dr. Ginger’s coconut oil product line, you get the benefits of oil pulling without the hassle, mess and time consuming process. In addition, if not done correctly there are some hazards with oil pulling that can occur so using the coconut oil based products takes that away.

Below are a few reasons you are going to want to make the switch to coconut oil based oral hygiene products.

1. It Contains No Chemicals – Dr. Ginger’s coconut oil toothpaste contains no flouride, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, coloring agents or chemicals such as triclosan, sodium lauryl sulfate.

2. Helps Fight Cavities – Studies have shown coconut oil kills bad bacteria that causes cavities and bad breath.

3. It Can Help With Tooth Sensitivity – The very best toothpaste for sensitive teeth is one that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals and detergents.

4. Improves Overall Health – Studies have shown that periodontal disease is directly linked to cardiovascular disease, stroke, bacterial pneumonia, premature births and lower birth weights in babies. Coconut oil has shown to fight bacteria that can cause these problem.

5. Pure Coconut Oil is Safe for DogsAccording to Pet MD, applying coconut oil to your dogs teeth can help with bad breath.

My sample from Dr. Ginger’s contained a few days worth of toothpaste and I have to tell you it is really good. I think the flavor is amazing and can’t wait to try out the other products in their line. I struggle with tooth sensitivity so getting an all natural product that can help with that along with all the other benefits is a plus!

For more product or ordering information visit Dr Ginger’s website.

Photos courtesy of Dr. Ginger’s
