I love creating cheese plates and boards and make them all the time, no matter what the season. I wrote about creating the perfect cheese board here. I sometimes do get in a rut with using the same cheeses with Dubliner and goat cheese being a favorite.
I thrive on entertaining and cheese boards are my go to dish. I was thrilled that folks over at Wayfair sent me a link to a post about creating a cheese board for all seasons. I am pretty good at using whatever fruits may be in season to pair with the cheeses but never really thought about using seasonal cheeses.

Cheese Board
I loved that idea so much as well some ideas on different platters to use, I thought I might share it with you. You can read about their seasonal cheese boards here.
If you have any tips for creating cheese boards or have a favorite cheese you think I would like to try, please feel free to comment below.
i am a sucker for good cheese and this leaves me drooling! xo, sharon
Oh my goodness! You are making me hungry!!! Looks so good! Now to go find a block of cheese to munch on
Thanks for stopping by. I love making a cheese boards for parties or sometimes when it is just hubby and I we will pair one with a glass on wine and call it dinner!