Les Dames d’ Escoffier Invites You to
Foodie Fight!
Get Your Game On
to benefit the culinary education program at Broadmoor Technical Center in the Shawnee Mission School District.
Sign up your team of 10 friends (or make new foodie friends on an assigned team).
Munch around the bistro, sampling fare from Kansas City’s best chefs:
Megan and Colby Garrelts (Bluestem)
Ted Habiger (Room 39)
Jasper (Jasper’s Restaurant)
Martin Woods (Yia Yia’s)
Richard Ng (Bo Ling’s)
Renee Kelly (Caenan Castle)
Mary Berg (delish! Catering)
Play Foodie Fight: A Trivia Game for Serious Food Lovers created by Joyce Lock, a member of Les Dames d’ Escoffier.

And have fun!
Tuesday, April 17th, 2012
5:30-9:30 p.m.
Broadmoor Bistro
6701 West 83rd Street
Overland Park, KS 66204
$45 per person
RSVP by April 10. Make your reservations at www.broadmoorbistro.org. If you are signing up as a group, list your table members under special request when you make your reservation.